How can I help?

UKABIF is a charity and relies upon membership subscriptions, income from events, grants from trusts and donations to continue its work. We are always pleased to speak individuals and companies about helping to support our work

Make a Donation

If you would like to make a donation you can click here to make a credit card donation. Alternatively you can donate via text. Just send a message on your mobile to 70070 which says UKAB15£10 (or change to the amount you’d like to donate). This will then be added to your phone bill. You can also send donations by cheque payable to UKABIF to Box 2539, Kemp House, 152-160 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX.

If you are a UK tax payer, please also include a completed Gift Aid Form. This will help us make your donation go further.



Making a Will is vital to secure the future of your family.  If you die without a Will, it can cause real problems for your loved ones.  It will also cost more money to sort things out. It is best to have your Will written by a solicitor, who will ensure it’s accurate, correctly witnessed and valid. If you have already written your Will, you can include UKABIF by adding a codicil which avoids the expense of changing your Will.

You can choose to leave a legacy in several ways:

  • Pecuniary Gift - A cash sum of money; you may wish to leave a specific sum of money
  • Residuary Gift - A percentage of your remaining estate; you may wish to leave a percentage of your remaining estate after specific gifts have been made. 
  • Life Interest Gift - you may wish to leave a gift, e.g. a property, to someone during their lifetime and then, on the event of their death, the property can be passed on to someone else or a charity.

If you would like to leave UKABIF a legacy, you can use the following wording:

I leave ………….. to UKABIF, PO Box 2539, Kemp House, 152160 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX Registered Charity Number 1128284.


Corporate Giving

Many companies can benefit from developing relationships with charities. We have worked closely with several businesses and are delighted that these relationships are mutually beneficial.

If you would like to help UKABIF, you can support us in a number of different ways:

  • Charity of the year – select us as your charity partner
  • Payroll giving – encourage your staff to donate directly
  • Sponsorship of projects, events or campaigns
  • Fundraising challenges – take on a challenge as a team!


Sponsored Events

If you are taking part in a sponsored event such as the Great North Run, the London Marathon or another sporting event please consider sponsoring UKABIF.

We are always happy to discuss other ideas or suggestions you may have, get in touch by emailing or calling 0345 6080788.

What we do


We believe that people with acquired brain injury should have early access to good quality local, specialist rehabilitation and follow up services in the community if they are needed.


People with acquired brain injury and their carers should have access to all the information they need about brain injury.


People who work in the field of ABI need support on a local and national basis together with access to networks and educational resources.


Organisations working in the field of ABI can work more efficiently by joining forces on issues to raise awareness and improve services.


UKABIF is a membership organisation - by bringing together all parties with an interest in ABI we have a stronger voice. Our members include:

  • People living with ABI and their carers
  • Healthcare professionals working in the field of ABI including rehabilitation physicians, neurologists, neuropsychologists, nurses and other professionals allied to medicine
  • Case managers and social workers
  • Personal Injury Lawyers
  • Independent and NHS care providers
  • Voluntary and community group professionals and organisations
Become a member

Contact UKABIF
London, EC1V 2NX
0345 6080788
Get Connected

UKABIF is a registered charity number 1128284 and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales Company Number: 6520608. Address of the Company's Registered Office: 124 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX