UKABIF Research

UKABIF Research Enquiries 

There is a great need for a bigger and better evidence base in the field of acquired brain injury. UKABIF are keen to ensure that research in this area is actively promoted and are happy to support projects we feel are appropriate. We are well placed to offer promotion to our contact base as well as in-roads to policy development. 

UKABIF is a collaborative organisation and promotes the idea of co-production. If you are requesting our assistance with something which we feel is time consuming we may ask for a fee or donation. 

We will assess each project individually and in the first instance ask that you complete the form below: 

You may like to engage with us by becoming a member sponsoring one of our projects or events or offering to speak at a national or regional event.

Contact UKABIF
London, EC1V 2NX
0345 6080788
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UKABIF is a registered charity number 1128284 and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales Company Number: 6520608. Address of the Company's Registered Office: 124 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX