UKABIF Publications |
PublicationsKeep up to date with the latest publications from UKABIF Time for ChangeThe Time for Change campaign was implemented through the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) to improve post-acute care for people with an ABI. Return to EducationMost children and young people with an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) will return to mainstream education. The return to education (RtE) is a significant part of the child/young person’s (CYP) recovery process, and schools play a crucial role in rehabilitation and helping them to achieve positive outcomes. Concussion: Return to School GuidanceConcussion is a traumatic brain injury which is often caused by a bump, blow or jolt to the head and affects the way the brain normally works. NewslettersDownload & view past newsletters from UKABIF. Join UKABIFUKABIF is a membership organisation - by bringing together all parties with an interest in ABI we have a stronger voice. Our members include: